LeetCode Js-14. Longest Common Prefix

    LeetCode Js-String

    Write a function to find the longest common prefix string amongst an array of strings.
    If there is no common prefix, return an empty string “”.


    Example 1:

    Input: strs = ["flower","flow","flight"]
    Output: "fl"

    Example 2:

    Input: strs = ["dog","racecar","car"]
    Output: ""
    Explanation: There is no common prefix among the input strings.

    1. 先排除input不是字串的狀況(小優化)。(ex.傳入空值)
    2. 以陣列中第一組字串作為基準,互相比對字串是否連續相符。
    3. 如相符放入prefix陣列,不相符即回傳當前的prefix。

    Code 1:

    var longestCommonPrefix = function(strs) {
        if (!strs.length) return ""
        let prefix = ""
        for (let i = 0; i < strs[0].length; i++) {
            for (let j = 0; j < strs.length - 1; j++) {
                if (strs[j][i] !== strs[j+1][i]) return prefix;
            prefix += strs[0][i]
        return prefix

    Example 1

    let i=0, i<5; 
    let j=0, j<2;
    strs[0][0] === strs[1][0] //['f'lower] = ['f'low] --->true
    strs[1][0] === strs[2][0] //['f'low] = ['f'light] --->true
    prefix += ['f']
    strs[0][1] === strs[1][1] //[f'l'ower] = [f'l'ow] --->true
    strs[1][1] === strs[2][1] //[f'l'ow] = [f'l'ight] --->true
    prefix += ['l']
    strs[0][2] === strs[1][2] //[fl'o'wer] = [fl'o'w] --->true
    strs[1][2] === strs[2][2] //[fl'o'w] = [fl'i'ght] --->false
    return prefix = ['fl']

    Example 2

    let i=0, i<3; 
    let j=0, j<2;
    strs[0][0] !== strs[1][0] //['d'og] = ['r'acecar] --->false
    return prefix = ['']

    Code 2:
    var longestCommonPrefix = function(strs) {
    if (!strs.length) return ""
    let prefix = ""
    let x = Math.min(...strs.map(o => o.length))

    for (let i = 0; i < x; i++) { let char = strs[0][i] if (strs.every(str => str[i] === char)){
    prefix += char
    } else {
    return prefix