Write an SQL query to report the Capital gain/loss for each stock.
The Capital gain/loss of a stock is the total gain or loss after buying and selling the stock one or many times.
Return the result table in any order.
寫一個 SQL Query來報告每支股票的資本收益。 股票的資本收益是一次或多次買賣後的總收益/損失。 可任意排序結果。
Table: Stocks
+---------------+---------+ | Column Name | Type | +---------------+---------+ | stock_name | varchar | | operation | enum | | operation_day | int | | price | int | +---------------+---------+ (stock_name, operation_day) is the primary key for this table. The operation column is an ENUM of type ('Sell', 'Buy') Each row of this table indicates that the stock which has stock_name had an operation on the day operation_day with the price. It is guaranteed that each 'Sell' operation for a stock has a corresponding 'Buy' operation in a previous day. It is also guaranteed that each 'Buy' operation for a stock has a corresponding 'Sell' operation in an upcoming day.
Example 1:
Input: Stocks table: +---------------+-----------+---------------+--------+ | stock_name | operation | operation_day | price | +---------------+-----------+---------------+--------+ | Leetcode | Buy | 1 | 1000 | | Corona Masks | Buy | 2 | 10 | | Leetcode | Sell | 5 | 9000 | | Handbags | Buy | 17 | 30000 | | Corona Masks | Sell | 3 | 1010 | | Corona Masks | Buy | 4 | 1000 | | Corona Masks | Sell | 5 | 500 | | Corona Masks | Buy | 6 | 1000 | | Handbags | Sell | 29 | 7000 | | Corona Masks | Sell | 10 | 10000 | +---------------+-----------+---------------+--------+ Output: +---------------+-------------------+ | stock_name | capital_gain_loss | +---------------+-------------------+ | Corona Masks | 9500 | | Leetcode | 8000 | | Handbags | -23000 | +---------------+-------------------+ Explanation: Leetcode stock was bought at day 1 for 1000$ and was sold at day 5 for 9000$. Capital gain = 9000 - 1000 = 8000$. Handbags stock was bought at day 17 for 30000$ and was sold at day 29 for 7000$. Capital loss = 7000 - 30000 = -23000$. Corona Masks stock was bought at day 1 for 10$ and was sold at day 3 for 1010$. It was bought again at day 4 for 1000$ and was sold at day 5 for 500$. At last, it was bought at day 6 for 1000$ and was sold at day 10 for 10000$. Capital gain/loss is the sum of capital gains/losses for each ('Buy' --> 'Sell') operation = (1010 - 10) + (500 - 1000) + (10000 - 1000) = 1000 - 500 + 9000 = 9500$.
1. 選擇標題 stock_name。
2. 選擇標題 capital_gain_loss 將 operation = ‘Buy’ 為負數 price,否則為正數 price,並相加。
3. 以 stock_name 為群組。
SELECT stock_name, SUM(CASE WHEN operation = 'Buy' Then -price ELSE price END) AS capital_gain_loss FROM Stocks GROUP BY stock_name;
Code2: IF
SELECT stock_name, SUM(IF (operation = 'Buy', -price, price)) AS capital_gain_loss FROM Stocks GROUP BY stock_name;