HackerRank Js-Week4 3. Number Line Jumps


    Complete the function kangaroo in the editor below.
    kangaroo has the following parameter(s):
    int x1, int v1: starting position and jump distance for kangaroo 1
    int x2, int v2: starting position and jump distance for kangaroo 2

    int x1, int v1: 袋鼠1的起始位置和跳躍距離
    int x2、int v2:袋鼠2的起始位置和跳躍距離

    Example 1:

    x1 = 2
    v1 = 1
    x2 = 1
    v2 = 2
    After one jump, they are both at x = 3, (x1 + v1 = 2 + 1, x2 + v2 = 1 + 2), so the answer is YES.

    首先我們先了解 x1, v1, x2, v2 分別代表兩隻袋鼠的起始位置與速度。
    接著我們計算兩隻袋鼠的相遇時間(meet = (x2 – x1) / (v1 – v2)),

    Code 1: BigO(1)

    'use strict';
    const fs = require('fs');
    let inputString = '';
    let currentLine = 0;
    process.stdin.on('data', function(inputStdin) {
        inputString += inputStdin;
    process.stdin.on('end', function() {
        inputString = inputString.split('\n');
    function readLine() {
        return inputString[currentLine++];
     * Complete the 'kangaroo' function below.
     * The function is expected to return a STRING.
     * The function accepts following parameters:
     *  1. INTEGER x1
     *  2. INTEGER v1
     *  3. INTEGER x2
     *  4. INTEGER v2
    function kangaroo(x1, v1, x2, v2) {
        // Write your code here
        let meet = (x2 - x1) / (v1 - v2);
        if (meet === Math.round(meet) && meet > 0 && meet !== Infinity) {
            return "YES";
        return 'NO';
    function main() {
        const ws = fs.createWriteStream(process.env.OUTPUT_PATH);
        const firstMultipleInput = readLine().replace(/\s+$/g, '').split(' ');
        const x1 = parseInt(firstMultipleInput[0], 10);
        const v1 = parseInt(firstMultipleInput[1], 10);
        const x2 = parseInt(firstMultipleInput[2], 10);
        const v2 = parseInt(firstMultipleInput[3], 10);
        const result = kangaroo(x1, v1, x2, v2);
        ws.write(result + '\n');

    Example 1

    x1 = 2
    v1 = 1
    x2 = 1
    v2 = 2
    meet = -1 / -1 //1
    meet === Math.round(meet) //meet = 1 === Math.round(meet)
    meet > 0 //meet = 1 > 0
    meet !== Infinity //不等於無窮大
    return "YES";