LeetCode JavaScript 30 Days Challenge – Day15 – 2627. Debounce

    LeetCode JavaScript 30 Days Challenge

    Given a function fn and a time in milliseconds t, return a debounced version of that function.

    給與一個函式 fn 和以毫秒為單位的時間 t,回傳防抖函式。
    ex.debounce(防抖): 主要用於限制頻繁觸發的事情,並覆蓋前一次的需求。

    A debounced function is a function whose execution is delayed by t milliseconds and whose execution is cancelled if it is called again within that window of time. The debounced function should also recieve the passed parameters.

    防抖函式它的執行延遲了 t 毫秒,如果在再次呼叫它,它的執行將被取消。 防抖函式仍應該接收傳遞的參數。
    我們來看一個例子,假設 t = 50ms,函數在 30ms、60ms 和 100ms 被呼叫。 前 2 個函式呼叫將被取消,第 3 個函式呼叫將在 150 毫秒時執行。 相反,如果 t = 35ms,則第一個呼叫將被取消,第二個將在 95ms 執行,第三個將在 135ms 執行。

    Example 1:

    t = 50
    calls = [
      {"t": 50, inputs: [1]},
      {"t": 75, inputs: [2]}
    Output: [{"t": 125, inputs: [2]}]

    Example 2:

    t = 20
    calls = [
      {"t": 50, inputs: [1]},
      {"t": 100, inputs: [2]}
    Output: [{"t": 70, inputs: [1]}, {"t": 120, inputs: [2]}]

    Example 3:

    t = 150
    calls = [
      {"t": 50, inputs: [1, 2]},
      {"t": 300, inputs: [3, 4]},
      {"t": 300, inputs: [5, 6]}
    Output: [{"t": 200, inputs: [1,2]}, {"t": 450, inputs: [5, 6]}]

    宣告 debounce 函式用來限制某個函式在指定時間間隔內只執行一次。
    當呼叫 debounce 函式時,它會清除之前設定的計時器並重新設定一個新的計時器。
    只有在最後一次呼叫 debounce 函式後,計時器結束後才會執行傳入的函式。
    ex. 例如處理使用者輸入、監聽事件。

    Code 1: BigO(1)

    var debounce = function(fn, t) {
        let timeout;
        return function(...args) {
            timeout = setTimeout(() => {
            }, t);

    Example 1

    let start = Date.now();
    function log(...inputs) { 
      console.log([Date.now() - start, inputs ])
    const dlog = debounce(log, 50);
    setTimeout(() => dlog(1), 50);
    setTimeout(() => dlog(2), 75);
    //[ 126, [ 2 ] ]

    Example 2

    let start = Date.now();
    function log(...inputs) { 
      console.log([Date.now() - start, inputs ])
    const dlog = debounce(log, 20);
    setTimeout(() => dlog(1), 50);
    setTimeout(() => dlog(2), 100);
    //[ 71, [ 1 ] ] 
    //[ 122, [ 2 ] ]

    Example 3

    let start = Date.now();
    function log(...inputs) { 
      console.log([Date.now() - start, inputs ])
    const dlog = debounce(log, 150);
    setTimeout(() => dlog(1, 2), 50);
    setTimeout(() => dlog(3, 4), 300);
    setTimeout(() => dlog(5, 6), 300); 
    //[ 202, [ 1, 2 ] ]
    //[ 450, [ 5, 6 ] ]