LeetCode JavaScript 30 Days Challenge – Day14 – 2622. Cache With Time Limit

    LeetCode JavaScript 30 Days Challenge

    Write a class that allows getting and setting key-value pairs, however a time until expiration is associated with each key.

    編寫一個允許取得和設定 key-value 鍵,然而持續時間與每個鍵有相關聯。

    The class has three public methods:
    set(key, value, duration): accepts an integer key, an integer value, and a duration in milliseconds. Once the duration has elapsed, the key should be inaccessible. The method should return true if the same un-expired key already exists and false otherwise. Both the value and duration should be overwritten if the key already exists.
    get(key): if an un-expired key exists, it should return the associated value. Otherwise it should return -1.
    count(): returns the count of un-expired keys.

    - set(key, value, duration):接受一個整數鍵、一個整數值和一個以毫秒為單位的持續時間。持續時間結束後,密鑰則無法訪問。如果已經存在相同且未過期密鑰,則該方法應回傳 true,否則回傳 false。如果密鑰已經存在,則應覆蓋該整數值和持續時間。
    - get(key):如果存在未過期的鍵,它應該回傳關聯的值,否則它應該回傳 -1。
    - count():回傳未過期的密鑰次數。

    Example 1:

    ["TimeLimitedCache", "set", "get", "count", "get"]
    [[], [1, 42, 100], [1], [], [1]]
    [0, 0, 50, 50, 150]
    Output: [null, false, 42, 1, -1]

    Example 2:

    ["TimeLimitedCache", "set", "set", "get", "get", "get", "count"]
    [[], [1, 42, 50], [1, 50, 100], [1], [1], [1], []]
    [0, 0, 40, 50, 120, 200, 250]
    Output: [null, false, true, 50, 50, -1]

    我們先定義了一個 TimeLimitedCache 類別,它是一個有時間限制的結構。它使用 Map 來儲存整數鍵。當呼叫 set 方法時,它會將整數鍵存入 cache 物件並設定一個計時器,在指定的時間後自動刪除該項目。使用 get 方法可以獲取鍵對應的值,並使用 count 方法計算 cache 中的項目數量。

    Code 1: prototype BigO(1)

    var TimeLimitedCache = function() {
      this.cache = new Map()
    TimeLimitedCache.prototype.set = function(key, value, duration) {
      const alreadyExists = this.cache.get(key)
      if (alreadyExists) {
      const timeoutId = setTimeout(() => {
      }, duration)
      this.cache.set(key, {
      return Boolean(alreadyExists);
    TimeLimitedCache.prototype.get = function(key) {
      if (this.cache.has(key))
        return this.cache.get(key).value;
      return -1;
    TimeLimitedCache.prototype.count = function() {
      return this.cache.size;

    Example 1

    ["TimeLimitedCache", "set"       , "get", "count", "get"]
    [       []         , [1, 42, 100], [1]  ,    []  , [1]  ]
    [        0         ,       0     ,  50  ,    50  , 150  ]
    1. null //建立 TimeLimitedCache 模型的物件。
    2. false //建立 TimeLimitedCache.prototype.set(1, 42, 100) {}。
    3. 42 //取得 TimeLimitedCache.prototype.get(42)。
    4. 1 //回傳 TimeLimitedCache.prototype.count(1)。
    5. -1 //超過時間,key失效,回傳-1。
    => [null, false, 42, 1, -1]

    Example 2

    ["TimeLimitedCache",    "set"    ,    "set"    , "get", "get", "get", "count" ]
    [        []        , [1, 42, 50] , [1, 50, 100],  [1] ,  [1] ,  [1] ,    []   ]
    [        0         ,      0      ,      40     ,   50 ,  120 ,  200 ,   250   ]
    1. null //建立 TimeLimitedCache 模型的物件。
    2. false //建立 TimeLimitedCache.prototype.set(1, 42, 50) {}。
    3. false //建立(覆蓋) TimeLimitedCache.prototype.set(1, 50, 100) {}。時間重新計算。
    4. 50 //取得 TimeLimitedCache.prototype.get(50)。
    5. 50 //取得 TimeLimitedCache.prototype.get(50)。
    6. -1 //超過時間,key失效,回傳-1。
    => [null, false, true, 50, 50, -1]

    Code 2: class BigO(1)

    class TimeLimitedCache {
      cache = new Map()
      set(key, value, duration) {
        const alreadyExists = this.cache.get(key)
        if (alreadyExists) {
        const timeoutId = setTimeout(() => {
        }, duration)
        this.cache.set(key, {
        return Boolean(alreadyExists);
      get(key) {
        if (this.cache.has(key))
          return this.cache.get(key).value;
        return -1;
      count() {
        return this.cache.size;